Bucket List These Festivals

Bucket List These Festivals

[x_text]Its doesn’t matter where you go in the world, there is one thing that brings all kinds of people together, and that’s a good party. Whether it’s music, magic, beer or self-expression, there is an event happening somewhere that will put a sparkle in your eye, capture your soul and exceed your expectations. As a someone who loves to meet new people and have new experiences, I have compiled a “bucket list” of my top …

Fuel Your Athlete

Fuel Your Athlete

[x_text]We are now full into the spring sport season with summer right around the corner. Athletes are busily applying their craft in the field while parents are coordinating carpool schedules to practice, buying the appropriate equipment and tending to injuries caused by competitive play. This does not leave a lot of time for either party to focus on two of the most important aspects of competitive sport: nutrition and hydration.

Losing Culture

Losing Culture

[x_text]The Long Term Athlete Development Plan (LTADP) has created a universal plan for the development of athletes. It has without question developed the skills of youth around the world by changing the way athletes progress through their prospective sport.

Real Rim Protection

Real Rim Protection

[x_text]In an effort to avoid being arrested, a knife wielding man climbed a basketball net and proceeded to get stuck in the rim. Fire Fighters had to be called in to relieve the man of his rim protection duties. Safe to say this man did a better job of protecting the rim than the Toronto Raptors.